It's my 30th birthday today, woo! The sun is setting on my 20s and I'm welcoming this new decade with open arms. I've had friends tell me that while your 20s is about finding yourself, your 30s is about celebrating that person you've found. For me, my 20s were about chasing dreams (hello, Olympic Trials!) and discovering what I'm passionate about (I found public health, and in doing so, embarked on a career path of promoting healthy lifestyles and helping people find the joy in running).
As I begin my 30s, I'm eager to continue on my running journey and embrace whatever the next Olympic cycle brings. Meanwhile, I'm excited to pursue my career goals in public health. At first, I was apprehensive about this new decade - but the more people I've talked to about turning 30, the more I've heard how awesome it's going to be ;)
Celebrating with dear friends back home in California
Birthday miles with Whole Foods Run Club in Providence
So here's to 30, celebrations, great friends, the best family, and many joyful miles ahead. Thanks for ringing in the new decade with me!
Running down 30 in Portugal earlier this month